TimestampIt! Terms of Service


Purpose: Welcome to TimestampIt! Our mission is to be your trusted source for Trusted Timestamps. We aim to operate a service with high availability and high security. Our service is intended for every kind of user, from casual experimentation to high scale enterprise applications. We encourage the construction of products, data sets, and other applications that depend on Trusted Timestamps from TimestampIt!.


Acceptance: By using our services, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the terms outlined herein.

2. Service Description2.1

Overview: TimestampIt! is a "Trusted Third Party" that provides "Trusted Timestamps". Trusted Timestamps are intended to timestamp digital data including documents, images, and other kinds of files. Trusted Timestamps assert "proof of existence" for timestamped data, clearly and undeniably marking the data with a time it was known to exist at.

Our commitment is to deliver authentic, accurate and high quality Trusted Timestamps. Trusted Timestamps involve use of digital signatures. We strive to follow all best practices in application of digital signatures including use of highly random signing keys, regular rotation of signing keys, use leading signature algorithms, and other practices.

We maintain a verified and secured repository of verification key backups at https://github.com/timestampit/keychain. In the event that TimestampIt! ceases operations, all Trusted Timestamps will still be verifiable using such sources of key backups.


TimestampIt! does not generally store, collect, or have any contact with the files or digital data that is being timestamped. This is accomplished by "hashing" the timestamped files or data and sending the "hash digest" to TimestampIt! to be used in the creation of Trusted Timestamps. The exception to this principle is the "raw" digest type which will accept up to one kilobyte of user supplied data directly. TimestampIt! does not store any user supplied data separately from the Trusted Timestamp that is created, nor does it perform any analysis of user supplied data. Privacy of user data is best preserved by using standard hashed Trusted Timestamps. Users using the raw digest type should understand their user data appears unaltered in the Trusted Timestamp and will go wherever the Trusted Timestamp goes.


Modifications: We reserve the right to modify or discontinue services for enhancement and evolution. Users will be duly notified of significant changes.

3. User Rights and Responsibilities3.1

User Conduct: Users must engage in respectful and lawful behavior on our platform. Any violation may result in account termination.


Account Responsibility: Users are responsible for maintaining the security of their accounts and ensuring responsible use.


Storage of Trusted Timestamps: It is the users responsibility to store Trusted Timestamps created by TimetampIt!. Users should generally store Trusted Timestamps along with the actual timestamped files/data. TimestampIt! does store created Trusted Timestamps for a short period of time for convenience and to allow users multiple opportunities to properly store them. TimestampIt! does not guarantee any particuar length of time that Trusted Timestamps are stored on it's server. TimestampIt! is actively investigating offering timestamp storage and advanced delivery features which could constitute the basis of a paid feature set.


Reporting of security issues: In the event that you become aware of a security issue with TimestampIt!, you are required to disclose it responsibly. All security issues must first be reported to security@timestampit.com. You must allow 30 days from your first report to security@timestampit.com before you are permitted to make any public statement about the security issue.


Feature requests and bug reports: We appreciate all user feedback and good faith comunications to help us improve our service. Please send product feedback to info@timestampit.com.

4. Payment Terms4.1

At this time, TimestampIt! does not offer any paid services. We are actively planning the introduction of paid services. Users with feature requests are encouraged to write info@timestampit.com with such requests.

5. Privacy Policy5.1

Data Collection: TimestampIt! does not collect any user data aside from an email address, which is optional. TimestampIt! does not sell user data, nor does TimestampIt! provide user data to any third party except when legally compelled to do so.


Cookies: We use cookies for session authenticaton. We do not allow any third party cookies.

6. Intellectual Property6.1

Ownership: TimestampIt! retains ownership of all intellectual property.


User Content: By uploading content, users grant TimestampIt! rights to use it within the scope of our services.

7. Termination and Suspension7.1

Grounds for Termination: We may terminate accounts for exceeding rate limits, unauthorized hacking/cracking, and other non-authorized use.

Users shall use our service to timestamp only lawful and rightfully owned materials. If illegal use is evident your account will be terminated and law enforcement may be contacted.

8. Warranty8.1

TimestampIt! is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantility, or fitness, for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall TimestampIt! or it's owners be liable for any claim, damages, or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection wth the service or software or other dealings involving TimestampIt!.


Jurisdiction: The governing law for disputes is the law of the State of Wyoming in the United States of America.

By using our services, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to these terms.

August 7th, 2024


PDF version of these terms: timestampit_terms_of_service.pdf

Trusted Timestamp for the PDF file: timestampit_terms_of_service.pdf.tt