
Trusted Timestamps. Simplified.

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TimestampIt Quickstart Guide

A user account is required to create Trusted Timestamps, therefore the first step is to sign up for a user account.


All features of TimestampIt! are available through the website. We recommend that new users start with the web features and then move on to the API if desired.

To create a Trusted Timestamp, simply login and visit and the creation form, and follow the instructions.

Once created, you can download the Trusted Timestamp to keep alongside the document you timestamped.

You can also use the "Parse" view to explore the various fields and data within your Trusted Timestamp.

You can also use the "Verify" view to verify your Trusted Timestamp against a file.


Our API is recommended for technical users only.

The best place to start is in our example client repo.

We also offer full API documentation